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Bank Hackers from Russia,Ukraine and the UK Steal $100M

The hackers come from Russia,Ukraine and the UK.

On Monday, the U.S. Justice Department accused a network of European hackers of using malware to steal $100 million from bank accounts around the world.

U.S. authorities claim the bank hackers were organized by Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev.

The bank hackers allegedly distributed malware to computers.

The malware obtained bank account numbers and passwords, allowing the bank hackers to access accounts and illicitly transfer money out of the accounts,CBS News notes.

The bank hackers reportedly reside in the United Kingdom, Russia and Ukraine.

Charges of bank and computer fraud, conspiracy and money-laundering have been filed against Bogachev in the U.S.

American authorities say that the hackers used malware to steal about $824,000 from the bank accounts of Haysite Reinforced Plastics of Erie, a Pennsylvania company, on Oct. 20, 2011.


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